
Monday, November 20, 2017

The Sexual Downfall Of Politicians And Celebrities... And The Fermi Paradox

Image result for fermi paradox

Dear F and J,

You mean you haven't heard about Pope Francis?!?

Obama Accused Of Sex Abuse?

The developing momentum of every "movement" takes it to extremes.

Before the "sex abuse" pendulum reverts to "center," there will be a great many false accusations along with the true.

I suspect tens of millions of Americans -- especially those who have been unduly affected by the ravages of Cowboy Capitalism -- would lie in a heartbeat if they  really thought they might reap material benefit through false witness.

Lest we forget, "bearing false witness" took Trump to The White House.

Although it is only a question, I ask: "Did Melania let herself be abused in order to dig gold?"

Two Prostitutes Were Direct Ancestors Of Jesus: Tamar and Rahab, The Harlot Of Jericho


To ensure humanity's survive, it seems that the "creator" must "blind" young people to such an extent that they will cross the gender divide with little (or no) ability to "think it through."

It may even be that an evolutionary "reason" why the human brain is not adequately wired to "anticipate consequences" until humans reach their mid-20s is the flip side of females reaching sexual maturity around age 14.

When the survival instinct kicks in while humans are still children, it looks quite convincing that "blind lust" is responsible for engendering enough offspring to insure species survival. 

Alabamians are factually correct when they say that the virgin Mary was quite likely 14 when she gave birth to Yeshua.

"It's complicated."

But... it IS.

If it were not complicated, "it" might not BE at all.

The more I ponder The Fermi Paradox, the more plausible it seems.

Fermi Paradox

I must say that a mere ten years ago, the Fermi Paradox would have had NO traction in my mind.

None whatsoever.

Indeed, it would have been a laughable absurdity.

Not now.



On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 7:14 PM, FV wrote:

That's it. I give up. I can't take anymore. Charlie? No more Charlie Rose?!?
Great interviewer, interesting, intelligent, curious. 
Who's next? Pope Francis? Franklin Graham or Hannity would be nice.
Makes me wonder why Pence won't be in a room alone with a woman without his wife. Was he accused at some time and made a payment off? I also wonder if Charlie was waiting for the shoe to drop while reporting about bad behavior. How many more are fearfully waiting? Will we see some jump the gun and admit it before being accussed? 
I cannot wrap my head around smart, thoughtful people thinking sexual  inappropriate behavior will not come back to hang them? 

Sex is the bane of the world. Each new fallen career shows a small part of its deleterious effects.


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